
Symantec Ghost Explorer 11 Download
Symantec Ghost Explorer 11 Download

Symantec Ghost Explorer 11 Download

Thus, users who want to open older GHO files should find a copy of the old Explorer program for them. The older version had no encryption features so the older Ghost Explorer has no decryption abilities, unlike the newer program version. Users should note that there are two versions of the program, however, since there are two versions of the GHO file format. The program is particularly useful for loading backup image file copies of drives in the event of system failure or crash. Once the file is opened in the Explorer, the user can treat it as any regular file on a regular explorer window: he can copy files, delete them, decrypt encrypted ones, add new files (drag and drop is supported), and so on. Ghost Explorer is-as its name suggests-more or less a Windows Explorer for GHO files.

Symantec Ghost Explorer 11 Download

However, they can only be opened by certain programs, and the Ghost Explorer is one of them. GHO files are most often cloned after computer hard drives and they contain all the data necessary for a user to duplicate the copied computer system on a second one. Crack Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5.1. DOWNLOAD USB GHOST 11.5.1 BOOT.RAR FULL Listen to Norton Ghost 11.rar and sixty-five more episodes by SILKYPIX JPEG Photography (4) Full Medicine Setup Free, free. We are running Ghost Solutions Suite version 2.5.1 program version 11. GHO stands for the Ghost File, a type of disk image file used for backup. Ghost.11.rar from host Symantec ghost 11 5 iso. This version also introduced Ghost Explorer, a Windows program which allowed a user to browse.

Symantec Ghost Explorer 11 Download

The Symantec Ghost Explorer is a program designed for opening GHO extension files. Ghost is a disk cloning program product sold by Symantec.

Symantec Ghost Explorer 11 Download