It is Monday, 13th September 1920 when you are contacted by Selwyn Robards. The players should try to resolve this case by the use of stealth and not rely upon the use of excessive force. The adventure itself is set in Massachusetts in the year 1920 and is designed for a party of 2-5 players. This scenario is intended for use with the Call of Cthulhu role playing system. †† This skill cannot be taken during character creation.SPIRITS OVER ARKHAM (c) Terry White (1987) INTRODUCTION. * This skill requires a specialization see the skill’s listing for details. Skills marked with ■ can be used normally even if the character has zero (0) skill ranks. SKILL NAME Animal Empathy Appraise ■ Balance ■ Bluff ■ Climb ■ Computer Use ■ Concentration ■ Craft* ( _) Cthulhu Mythos†† Demolitions Diplomacy ■ Disable Device Disguise ■ Drive ■ Escape Artist ■ Forgery ■ Gather Information ■ Handle Animal Heal ■ Hide ■ Innuendo ■ Intimidate ■ Jump ■ Knowledge* (_) (_) (_) (_) Listen ■ Move Silently ■ Open Lock Operate Heavy Machinery Performance* ( _) (_) Pilot Psychic Focus Psychoanalysis Read Lips Repair Research ■ Ride ■ _ Search ■ Sense Motive ■ Sleight of Hand Speak Other Language* (_) (_) Spellcraft Spot ■ Swim ■ Tumble Use Rope ■ Wilderness Lore ■Ĭha int dex† cha str† int con int - int cha int cha dex dex† int cha cha wis dex† wis cha str† int int int int wis dex† dex Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ age gender height weight eyes hair skin level size age gender height weight eyes hair ABILITY SCOREĪBILITY MAGIC MISC. _ _ character name name player character player _ _ _ class race alignment deity points profession level experience